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Arboluz is a world-wide tree-honoring organization. As a younger sister to Aqualuz, a global water-healing project, we are ecstatic to be launching Arboluz at Envision in partnership with Community Carbon Trees. In addition to sponsoring the distribution of local, organic, heirloom seeds, an integral part of the project involves the consecration of sacred trees worldwide. We are super excited to innagurate the first of these trees at Rancho La Merced on Envision festival grounds. This ceremonial induction of a sacred tree we will be inviting indigeneous elders, community leaders and all those who are passionate about healing the Earth to attend. This tree will be honored with prayer flags and bundles made by Arboluz with respect to local culture and practices. Filled with healing stones, native herbs, and prayers, they will be offered and hung with prayerful intention by those who have gathered. We will collectively activate from our muladhara chakra to our crowns, tapping into the life force energy living within the roots of the tree and spanning to the farthest reaches of the cosmos. Utilizing the unmatched power of the trees to bridge the gap between the two worlds. This activating meditation will create a portal from which prayers and intentions can be amplified and shot straight through the ethers. Synthesizing yoga, visualization and prayer, this ceremony will invite participants to connect with the whole Earth through one tree, reminding all of us of our birthright as medicine men and women and as protectors of the planet.